
Monday, November 5, 2012

Meet Buzz - Open Slather

We first saw Buzz at the petting zoo at the annual local show. He's a nine week old kelpie, crossed with a border collie. We hummed and harred about whether we wanted him. 

Brett went back later in the afternoon to help Mum pack up tables, and came back with our new dog. He wanted to call him Toby, I wasn't having a dog named Toby! Izzy kept saying "He's a boy dog". Butch was the name I blurted out, and it stuck for the day. However, the next day we decided on Buzz, and Buzz it is!

Izzy and Buzz have hit it off straight away

You don't need to be Dr Dolittle to know what the cat's thinking!


  1. How cute is Buzz!! I have ssen the look on your cat many times on mine!!

  2. He's gorgeous. The name "Buzz" really suits him. May he bring your family many years of fun.

  3. Oh how cute are they? I love the name. Kids and pets have something special going on don't they? I also love that I've discovered 'open slather' today! Looking forward to reading some new posts :)

  4. Oh Buzz is adorable. What a lovely new addition to the family :)

  5. Oh he is just the cutest! My twins would love to have a dog. Not a possibility in a unit I am afraid, but I cannot wait till I can get them one.


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