
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Grilled polenta

   3 cups water
     1 1/2 tsp salt
     1 1/2 cups polenta
     1 tsp thyme
     a grind of black pepper
     1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
     2 Tbs olive oil
     1 clove garlic, crushed

   In a saucepan heat the water and salt over medium-high heat.  Bring to a simmer, but don't let it boil.
   Slowly whisk the polenta into the simmering water. Whisk constantly until it begins to thicken, 2 or 3 minutes. Add the thyme, cheese, garlic and olive oil.   
    Reduce the heat and simmer, stirring regularly, for a few minutes until it is very thick
   Fill a loaf tin lined with cling wrap with the polenta. Smooth the polenta out evenly.
Cover and leave for the day or overnight.
(I leave an excess of cling wrap and use this to wrap over and cover)
        Remove from the refrigerator and flip over onto a cutting board. 
   Slice the polenta about 1/2" thick.

Brush the polenta slices with olive oil and fry in a pan or put under a grill for 4-5 minutes each side.

I had mine with some tuscan meatballs, but would be nice just with some salad. I haven't had grilled polenta for a long time, I used to make it quite a bit and was only reminded on the weekend watching Jamie Olivers  15 minutes meals on the telly. He served it with a tomato based sauce, mushrooms and chicken. Some wilted spinach and roasted cherry tomatoes would go down a treat too, topped with some fancy arsed cheese and maybe some black olives. 


  1. I never know what to do to jazz up polenta. I like the look of this :)

  2. Yum will have to try this for sure!!

  3. Oh yum! That looks delicious. I love polenta.

  4. Gosh i havent had polenta for ages! good idea!

  5. I have never had Polenta - am I missing out?

  6. I've never eaten or cooked polenta. Though I have read a bit about it lately so I recently bought some. Now I have a recipe to follow.thanks for sharing :-)


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