
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Butterfly and Peppa Pig Cakes

I've made this cake for both my girls, for their first birthdays. It is really simple, starting with a round cake, making four cuts, slapping on some icing and a few well placed lollies, and done! It gives the illusion that you've just slaved away for hours creating a masterpiece, when really, its the proverbial 'cake walk'. I used my chocolate cake  recipe, omitting the cocoa, adding 5 Tblsps of passionfruit pulp and adding an extra half a cup of flour.


Summers cake 2012

I used mini marshmallows on both cakes to outline the wings and a musk stick for the body. When I made the cake for Izzys first I used smarties, Summers was much plainer and smaller, as I concentrated my efforts this year on the peppa pig cake.

Izzys 1st birthday cake, 2010. I used the same candle for Summers this year.
The girls had a joint birthday party this year, being Summers 1st and Izzys 3rd. I made a peppa pig cake for Izzy, which I concentrated my efforts on, it was freaking me out just thinking about it, but it all came together in the end. I used this template for the head and fashioned my own template for the dress.  
Izzys 3rd birthday cake 2012

I made a slab cake using the buttercake recipe and cut the head, ears and dress from the one slab. I cut a few extra ears, just in case! My one hot tip is to have a mug of boiling water to dip the icing knife into, it makes spreading the icing much easier and smoother. Have a tea towel or towelling paper handy to wipe the water off in between. I also had a picture of Peppa on the lap top next to me to use as a reference.

I had a glut of whipped cream, Mum dropped off about 5 litres of the stuff left over from the show kitchen. I used this with enough icing sugar to make it thick and used pillar box red food colouring to make the pink, and red of the dress. The eyes and shoes were done with a tube of black writing icing.

The bases I used were glass chopping boards covered in foil. They make awesome cake boards. 


250g butter, softened
2 teaspoon vanilla 
1 1/2 cup caster sugar
4 eggs, lightly beaten
1 1/4 cups self-raising flour, sifted
1 1/4 cups plain flour, sifted
3/4 cup milk

 Beat butter, vanilla and sugar until light and fluffy.
Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating after each addition.
Add flour and milk alternately, Stir to combine.
Pour mix into a greased and lined slab tin, mine was about 25 x 32 cm.
Bake at 180°C/160°C fan-forced for 35 - 40 minutes


  1. Great job! The butterfly looks like fun, endless decorating possibilities!

  2. Wow you are awesome, I think I could manage the butterfly shame I have boys!!

  3. These are both fantastic. Pepper is super cute.

  4. Wow! How creative are you. The cakes looks great. :)

  5. You are very clever! I like that you gave the girls individual cakes despite there birthdays being so close together. I have a twin sister, and we always chose our own cakes. Happy birthday to Izzy and Summer x

  6. how brilliant!!! Thank you for sharing it and for your lovely comment on Sugarbird :)

  7. both awesome cakes.. and they look so easy!!!!

    well done!!!! Happy Birthday to your lil ones!!

    #teamIBOT xx

  8. I always admire people who can do cake decorating. I'm quite hopeless at it, just don't have the patience. I know a little girl who would have gone bonkers for that Peppa Pig cake!

  9. You would be hero for the day in ur house if you turned up with Peppa Pig

  10. Love the 3 of them, great job! I love making my boys' cakes. The best yet was probably my Sandcastle Cake (all edible)

  11. I do like the butterfly cake. I have always cheated and brought my children's birthday cakes. Bad Mum.

  12. I love the butterfly cake! I'm forwarding this to my sister in law right now because in december it's her daughter birthday!

  13. Get out of town on the peppa pig cake!!!! That is fantastic! All these pics put me to shame!!

  14. Well done! I am so impressed. I am so useless at this kind of thing that my sister and good friend B are making Mia's birthday cake for me!

  15. Those are awesome! My kids would love a peppa pig birthday cake. :)

  16. I love the Peppa Pig cake - it looks awesome!!!!!!

  17. Revisiting this one. Dora may get a Peppa Pig cake for her 2nd birthday :)

    1. It's not too hard once you get started. Take your time, get the template from the website I have linked to for her head :) Good luck!

  18. Nice Article, Country Oven Offers Best Peppa Pig Cartoon Cakes Online Delivery in India From Other Countries.


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