
Friday, November 9, 2012

Broad Bean Salad

2 cups broad beans
2 tomatoes, finely chopped
1onion, sliced thinly
about 20 mint leaves
1 Tblsp olive oil
1/2 tspn sumac

Cook beans in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Drain and refresh under cold running water. Place in a bowl with tomato, onion and mint. Drizzle oil over and toss. Sprinkle with sumac.

Mums broad beans were small ones, so I didn't worry about peeling them as the skins weren't tough, and well, the Queen wasn't coming over for tea(I didn't deseed the tomato either!). Bigger, older broad beans have tougher skin, so you will have to pop them out of their shell. Just break the skin and squeeze the beans out.

My mint in the garden is growing in a half wine barrel. If you're thinking about planting mint, it is better to put in a container as it can go crazy and take over a garden patch.

I bought Sumac a while ago and hadn't used it, because I really didn't know what to use it for. It has a tart, tangy flavour and is used in the place of lemon juice. So if you haven't got any try a bit of lemon zest or juice, I suppose it works for the reverse. I'm going to use Sumac in more of my salads from now on and try it on fish. We haven't had fish for ages.

Salad was very nice, makes a change from serving
broad beans hot with other veg.


  1. That looks delicious. You know, all the mint that I've grown in pots has died, yet it keeps popping up in the cracks in my cement, and I can't get rid of it! It's one crazy plant.

    1. It was very nice, better than boiled plain old beans. Mint does go a bit nuts :)

  2. My son's class just made broad bean dip..I never knew anyone made anything with broad beans then twice in one day! (cooking is not my forte)

    1. Broad bean dip sounds interesting, I have just been given more beans by my SIL, I will look into making the dip :)

  3. Oh my gosh, I have never even heard of broad beans! They look SO good. Where do you get them?

    1. My mum grew these ones. They are pretty easy to grow apparently. I have bought them frozen at woolies before, I suppose you could get some fresh at fruit and veg markets.

  4. That looks good, but broad beans - I can't go there. They are in the same category as brussel sprouts for me!

  5. This looks delicious! Thanks for sharing at

  6. That sounds lovely! I love sumac! (popping over from Fab foodie fridays)

  7. How delicious! Im always on the lookout for yummy new salad recipes. Can't wait to try this one! Thanks for joining us at our Fabulous Foodie Fridays party! xx


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