
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Best friends

Not one day goes by when Izzy isn't driving me spare asking, "I want to see Thomas". Most of the time is whining, sometimes it is crying, uncontrollable crying. Like the crying of a love sick teenager, pining for the love of her life, who hasn't called or seen for a week.

Thomas is the boy next door, hmmmm, yes, the boy next door. Apparently he's the same, and gets out of bed in the morning wanting to see Izzy. Who knows how long this will go on for?

What I do realise is by the time they get to highschool, primary school even, the relationship may have changed. Different groups and friends. They will be going to the same kindy, but different primary schools. Thomas the catholic school and Izzy the state school. Will highschool have them not talking to each other as they pass with their respective friends. I hope not, probable though.

It's just cute watching their relationship at the moment. Watching them walk hand in hand down the driveway. I wonder what age he will no longer be prepared to risk girl germs and not want to hold her hand. Will she be dissappointed or will she be just as dubious of boy germs. 

I would have to say that at the moment he would have to be her best friend. Although she may have other ideas, every kid she knows, at some time or rather, is her 'best friend' right now. Even the ones she doesn't know, like the random little girl behind us in the checkout today, Izzy declared "She's my best friend". I didn't know her from a bar of soap, neither did Izzy. 
I'm glad she has friends, and we have neighbours with kids of the same round about age. I'm glad we get out and about to different things were we interact with other kids. Both the girls love going to the library for Rhyme Time every week, kindergym and playgroup, and then there is the mothers group get togethers.

I didn't do the mothers group thing years ago with Jake, I'm not even sure there was such a thing back then. If there was I wish I had of been involved, I always wonder if that would have helped him come out of his shell, but with aspergers sometimes their shell is their favourite most comfortable place. Who knows, it doesn't help to dwell on the what ifs.....


  1. The great thing about children is how easy they make friends - albeit that some friendships can be fleeting.

    How is it that when we turn into adults, that ability disappears?

    (via FYBF)

  2. That is soooooo sweet Alicia! I wonder if he'll be the boys he always remembers as her first love, or if they'll really be friends forever. I hope it's the latter, I just don't think you find forever friends much these days!

    1. If we continue to be neighbours(as I think may be the case), it may well be they remain friends. It recorded here anyway that they once were good ones :)

  3. ohh Thats so sweet. I love how children can make friends so easily.

  4. My 4 yr old has best buddy twin friends. I constantly get nagged when we are next seeing them.

  5. That's so sweet. It would be lovely if they stayed friends :)

  6. How cute. Makes me think of Dawsons Creek, and Dawson and Joey. Ever watch that show? It was a fav of mine.
    It would be so great if they were friends forever :-)
    I also love that my two get to be around a lot of kids their age and also a little older and younger.
    As for my mothers group, well, put simply I LOVE THEM! So glad I ad such a great group of mums and bubs in mine.

    1. I have seen some of Dawsons Creek. It would be great if the friendship lasted. We have a great mothers group :)

  7. That is so cute, I am in a mothers group so I hope my daughter becomes good friends with the kids

  8. Oh that is cute!
    Ava always talks about her best friends, but then she is too shy to talk to them!

  9. That is a beautiful story - and they may even stay friends. I'm still friends with my two best kindergarten buddies, even though we went to three separate schools and all lived in different places in our twenties - now we all live within a 10 minute drive of each other, and our children are becoming friends :). Sometimes little children recognise things in each other that they want to learn and know about for a lifetime :)

  10. My 4 year old became best friends with our next door neighbour (also 4) last year. They were inseparable. Unfortunately my neighbours moved but when we recently went up and visited them, their friendship continued right where it left off.

  11. I hope they stay friends! What a beautiful story. Of course, if it were a Hollywood movie, they would ignore each other during the high school years only to realise their mutual, undying love for each other on prom night. Perhaps as the result of a bet. x


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