
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Not a gardeners arsehole

Nothing scares me more, than when Brett decides he is going to do some 'cutting back' in the garden. It scares me because as much as he thinks he's a gardener, he's not a gardeners arsehole. He's a man, with a motor, with attachments, and he's not afraid to use it. Much to my horror.

After a few beers, he informed me of his plans. I protested. He insisted that it was too overgrown and he couldn't walk through this part of the garden. For ten years, no one walked through that part of the garden, I protested again, it's garden, it's not meant to be walked through.

I'm not sure why doing this part of the garden is so important right now. I reminded him of the other jobs that needed doing, the fly screen on the backdoor. The chicken wire, keeping the kids out of the pond was loose. The ivy is taking over the path in the fern area, that we do walk through. Chopping out the crap weed trees that have come up here and there, from the birds crapping out the seeds. I see jobs that need doing, he sees an opportunity to use his multi attachment pruner, hedger, chainsaw, whipper snipper, and I protested referring to an extension of his dick!

When he had gone out the next morning, I went and inspected the area, because I didn't want him to see me looking at it, maybe giving him an inkling that I thought he might be right.......I think he might be right. I could see where some things could be cut back, just a bit. I could see a nice little area where a bird bath or something could sit, hidden away in a little garden nook.

We agreed that when he finished the little jobs, he could go gung ho and clear out the patch. The idea has grown on me, and he's creating another aspect to our garden, another garden room.
Sometimes I have to give up control, to trust, to let him have ideas and see them through. It's his garden too. Let's face it, since having the girls, I don't have the time to give to the garden that I used to, I should and do appreciate any help that he does give. I haven't mowed the lawns for over three years, something I would have rather done myself before, because I didn't like the slap dash way he did it. I've learned to shut my mouth and get over the missed bits or the gouges where he's had the cutter too low. I just appreciate it done. I appreciate my hubby, even though, I still think he's not a gardeners arsehole. 
Screen fixed!
wire fixed!

Jobs done!! He made a start on 'his' garden clearing, and I can now see what he envisioned. I am excited and impatient now to put something in there now, to complete the picture. We have put a few fairies in there, for Izzy, and now we just need to find a nice seat to put there. I'd like a nice iron one.

fourlittlepigletsSipping tea with Rebecca


  1. Hilarious! I was nodding in recognition through the whole post. I WANT my husband's help, but can I trust him to live up to my standards?? Especially after a few beers...

    1. While I think it's great he helps, I just don't trust him to do it right!

  2. wish I could put fairies in my garden!! Mine is all trucks and diggers!!

  3. I am laughing as your husband reminds me on mine. Machinery is the only way to garden according to my husband. Last time he was in the garden he brought home a crane to remove a few trees. Followed up with the chainsaw and the electric hedge trimmer to round every plant he could - he thought they looked great. Hmmmmm

    1. ha ha, yeah Brett thinks starting the chainsaw makes him an garden guru!

  4. The garden is my husband domain! But I do agree with you about the issues with trust. Tonight, hubby cooked and I had to hold myself to not go to the kitchen and look at what he was doing! Your garden look very nice!

    1. I do that all the time, I have to restrain myself from going in the kitchen and saying something!

  5. Hilarious and colourful comments. You need him and well, you don't need him to do the job after all because you are worried. Sometimes, I do have this feeling too like the time when my hubby pruned my vine so hard, it died.

    The fairies added give a nice touch of the whimsical.

  6. He he - boys will be boys! Anything with an engine, must used! Great to see the end result, love a fairy garden

    1. Yeah, I'm happy with what he did. Now he just has to buy me a seat to put in there, and I'll be happier!

  7. Sometimes it feels good to give up the reigns though, doesn't it :)

  8. I hate doing the gardening, so Phil has full control in that area. Thanks for linking up to The Tuesday Tea Party :)

  9. Your garden looks gorgeous! I pruned our lemon tree once. Once. I have since been banned.


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