
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dripping glory and recipe books

When Emma posted a honey spice face mask on her blog, I pinned it for later. Later being now(shock and awe, I'm actually doing something I pinned), heres me in all my dripping glory. This was after I finished baking honey biscuits (the honey and spice reminded me of this mask), Summer was asleep, and I was making coffee (in hindsight I should have had my coffee first). I can recommend it, my skin feels awesome.

It's freaking cold today and the useless twats at Harvey Norman, along with an LG rep, and their associated three ring circus,  have just managed to get us our reverse cycle air con. At point of purchase (handing over the cash)it was going to be a week, it's now three weeks. I suppose after they get the money they couldn't give a fuck about where our only source of heating was. Hopefully our electrician has time to do it this weekend, that would be freakin nice. It ain't much fun waking up to 4 feckin degrees with a pissy little blow heater.

I had all the scenarios and one liners(mostly comprising of f words and shoving things up the dark side of their moon)going through my head last night when I went to bed, that would be delivered in the irate phone call, that some poor bastard at HN was going to be on the wrong end of. Luckily Brett got a phone call this morning to say it was here. Yesterday the LG rep said he was pretty sure it was on it's way, but he would have to comfirm it. WTF! We got free delivery, it will be here tomorrow.

Anyway back to baking honey biscuits. The recipe I used is a Stephanie Alexander one, out of the book 'Recipes My Mother Gave Me'. It's yet another book I got from a garage sale, if it were not for garage sales, I wouldn't have half the recipe books I have. This is the quote on the back of the book - 

'My mother's most treasured possession
was her mother's recipe book...
as hers is mine,
and mine is my daughter's.
This is a lovely feeling.'

I started a handwritten book for my son a while ago with some of my recipes, it's still sitting up in the bookshelf (a work in progress), he's a good cook. A tear welled up when I wrote in the front of it - 

I really should get another couple of note books and do it for the girls too. But then am I robbing myself of phone calls from them as I do with my mum, with questions about how do you make this and that, and how much. But one day I won't be here and maybe these little notebooks may be their treasured possessions.



  1. That is such a lovely idea! My Mum had a little folder that she used to put recipes into that I've inherited/stolen :) I might give that mask a go too :) Thanks!

    1. I was surprised how lovely my skin felt afterwards. Definitely have to get another couple of notebooks and start putting recipes in it that they love, and maybe some photos.

  2. I wish my mum has handwritten her recipes into a book! That's a lovely note to your son :)

  3. That's a lovely idea. You'll both cherish it when times gone by...

  4. Lovely, I should jot down some of my dinner concoctions for the boys.

  5. Oh what a lovely idea! You may just have inspired me to do this too.... And yum? Honey biscuits? They sound deliciously like something from an Enid Blyton book!

  6. Haha! Awesome! I am too lazy to do face masks now that I have my 2nd baby! anyway i have a giveaway on my blog that u might be interested in. I just followed your blog too :)

    1. Well I don't do them either, I took the opportunity while Summer slept.

  7. Replies
    1. lol, I know! Loved how my skin looked after though.

  8. I love the recipe notebook idea. I love what you wrote to your son, how precious. Honey face masks is something my girls would love as they are right into homemade beauty treatments, they've had a fun time with chocolate face masks they found on google. Found you via FYBF. Have a great weekend. Jess

  9. I love the recipe notebook idea. I love what you wrote to your son, how precious. Honey face masks is something my girls would love as they are right into homemade beauty treatments, they've had a fun time with chocolate face masks they found on google. Found you via FYBF. Have a great weekend. Jess

  10. Thanks for linking your post to my first ever Tuesday Tea Party, hopefully I can get a few more people every week. Am still getting used to all this blogging stuff, can be very confusing.



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