
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Spaghetti Carbonara

This was my pic for the Fat Mum Slim Photo a Day Challenge for the 13th of August - simple. It was also part of our dinner for that night. I needed something quick to go with our chops, and leftover salad (from the night before), and it is quick, it only takes as long as the pasta cooks. It's meant to be made with fettucine, but hey, I had spaghetti. 

You can add whatever ingredients you want. I have used up left over chicken and broccoli(I added this to the pasta pot towards the end), or added mushrooms when cooking the bacon.

Fettuccine Carbonara

280gr bacon, chopped
375gr fettucine
3 eggs yolks
1 cup cream
1/2 cup parmesan cheese, grated
salt and pepper

Put pasta on to cook.
 Fry bacon until crisp, drain.
Beat together egg, cream and cheese.
Drain cooked pasta and combine with cream mixture and bacon.



  1. I have tried to do make this a few times and it hasn't been the best. So I am now going to try your recipe - do I heat the cream mixture before adding?

  2. That is one of my kids favourite meals. It was so much better when we had fresh eggs from our own chooks :( That reminds me, I have to get new chooks! lol

  3. I needed this recipe during the week :) hehe. The one I made was quite bland. I am saving this one, thanks.

  4. I havent had Carbornara for years - now I feel like it for dinner - might have to pick up the ingredients on the way home ! xx

  5. I haven't cooked this in a long time. Thanks for the reminder. Your right it is one of the most simplest dishes out there. My kids love it.

  6. Yum! I love Carbonara and your recipe looks fabulous and easy! Thanks for sharing! :)

  7. Oh this looks yummy and super easy. It is now on my list. Thanks for sharing with us :-)


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