
Monday, September 24, 2012

Impossible Pie - Open Slather

Black chook, Red chook and Brown chook -  this is what Izzy calls them and it's stuck
I originally bought two chooks, black chook and brown chook. When I mentioned to Brett that I wanted to get chooks, he said everything in the negative, but I had made my mind up, and as usual I ignored him and did it anyway. Low and behold a month later he sneakily went and bought another one! I think he was impressed that we were getting eggs and he wanted more. I had to explain to him that chooks only lay one egg a day, I think he thought we should be getting more eggs from two chooks. Idiot. So now we are getting three eggs a day, and with at least a dozen eggs in the fridge, sometimes more at any given time, I'm always looking to use them up. 

Ann from Help!! I'm Stuck!! stole provided a recipe for mini muffins in last weeks link up, and we had them for lunch during the week. I also made a recipe from her blog too, for impossible pie. I had my own recipe I'd found somewhere that I'd been making for ages, but I gave hers a go. I used silverbeet instead of the zucchini and used up bits and pieces of three different cheese that were in the fridge. It turned out beautifully, and my husband even went as far as to say that he liked it better than mine! O. K.  then.......I have to admit I'll be using it from now on and throwing my old recipe away.


  1. Ha love this post!! Sorry to cause any domestic dramas!! How did you like the muffins??!! Hopefully I will be back later with my post!!

    1. No drama, The pie was awesome. Muffins were great, very moorish. They were inspired with left over pizza topping, sliced kabana, black olives. I used silverbeet instead of zucchini and normal patty pans so the mix didn't make as much, about 30.

  2. I've heard of impossible pie but was never sure what it was. Your pic looks delish though. Thanks for the reference, I'll check out Ann's blog. x

  3. We have just had two weeks of fresh eggs from a friend - I need to get some chickens as my children thought the fresh eggs were off as the yolks were so yellow.


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