
Friday, September 28, 2012

Banana Bickies

It's not very often bananas get to this stage in our house, all soft and gooey inside. They were cheap, there was ripe or green as, I bought ripe and these ones didn't get eaten in time. There was half a chocolate cake sitting on the bench we hadn't finished, so cake was out of the question. I could have frozen them for later, instead I went looking for something on the net. I found a biscuit recipe at Kidspot and thought this would be best because the bickie barrel was low. It's not now!!! This recipe made about 60!!!!!! I was rolling my eyes in pure bliss when I tasted the first one three. This recipe is not the original one, you can click on the link above for that, this is the one I used.

Banana Bickies

2 large ripe bananas, mashed
125 gr butter
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups SR flour
1/2 cup coconut
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/3 cup choc bits

Preheat oven to 230 deg.
Cream the butter and sugar, stir in the banana until combined
Add the flour, oats , coconut and choc bits and stir to combine
Place teaspoons full on to a baking tray, leaving room to spread
Turn the oven down to 200 deg when you put the biscuits in the oven and bake for 10 minutes.


  1. Fantastic, thank you!! My husband and I have been sick this week (better now) and I had a whole fruit bowl of bananas that look like this. Now I know what to do with them! :)

  2. These look great! My husband hates bananas.... maybe if I hide them in these biscuits :P

    1. Good luck, they still taste pretty bananary though.

  3. yum! I love finding new ways to use up bananas x

  4. yummmy.. its the same in our house.. so I make banana muffins!

  5. Ooooohhhh, yummo! I got me some overripe bananas in the fruit bowl that are begging to be made into these delicious looking bickes!! Thanks for the share :)

  6. Thank you for this recipe! I just love bananas in all sorts of ways.

  7. Thanks for this! We have 2 over riped bananas right now and I was wondering what to do with them! They look so yummy!

  8. Thanks for this - always good to have an alternative to banana bread for the over-ripe bananas !!!
    Have a great weekend !

  9. I can't get past the uneaten chocolate cake.


    Now THAT is something that would never happen in our house.

    But I am going to trust your judgement in gushing over the banana cookies instead, and give them a try!

  10. I normally make a banana bread with the left over bananas in my house - however these look too good not to try. Thank you so much for sharing the recipe

  11. Thanks for sharing at Sunday Sweeties Linky. I might move it to this week so more people can take a look :)

  12. Ooh going to try these. I'm always looking for ways to use up the last few Bananas, was getting tired of Banana pancakes.

  13. These look great! I am so tired of making banana bread with over ripe bananas - I will definitely try this!

  14. I think these would make a great lunchbox treat!!! Thank You

  15. I LOVE bananas and we currently have a fruit bowl full of them! Perfect timing… Thanks!


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