
Saturday, September 15, 2012

A sick Summer again

Third day in hospital, this room is getting smaller and smaller.
Bloods have been taken again to make sure the infection has gone.
Improvement and a smiley girl on Wednesday

I turn 40  tomorrow, the last thing I want is to wake up in this hospital room. I hope to god whatever it was, besides the urinary tract infection, has gone and we can go home. Meanwhile we are waiting for lunch to arrive for another day.

Summer is back to her normal self, she is very wary of the nurses and doctors now though. She is still choosy who she gives her smiles to,  as much as the nurses all try.
Last night was the worst, she had an antibiotic injection and had her canula line taken out. It took me three hours to get her to sleep before they had to give her the injection, so I was trying again after that. I eventually laid down to get some sleep at nearly midnight.
A severely depressed teen ran down the hallway crying and burst through the doors and escaped. I heard the nurse ring the cops to go looking for him. And not long after, I’m across the hall from the emergency ward, heard them bring him back and then heard them talking about suicide watch. My heart went out to him, especially as it was the end of  Are u ok? Day.
The nurse asked me in the morning if I was woken up by the drama, I wasn’t even asleep yet. I wasn’t too concerned about our safety but more worried about what he was going through. She just answered “Life is just sad for some people”. I hope he gets through his sad period and goes on to a happy life.
I am getting  so behind in my photo a day challenge, I can’t wait to get home and catch up.
We made it home in the afternoon, bloods were all clear, but she is low in iron. I am so glad to be home, I’m so glad she is over it. We can move on.
It's 12 past midnight, Happy Birthday to me!!! Time I got some sleep.
We have a third birthday to attend tomorrow, I still haven't had time to buy a present. Then family and friends are helping me commiserate celebrate my 40th for dinner out.
We took silly photos on the computer to pass the time



  1. Happy birthday, hope your gorgeous girl gets better very soon.

    1. She had been great since we left on Friday. Good to see her back to her old self :)

  2. What a horrible ordeal for you. May your 40th birthday be happy and memorable. Welcome to the naughty forties.
    Love Mumabulous

    1. Thanks, had a great night with family and friends last night for my 40th. It's great to be home after our little stint in hospital.

  3. Good to hear that your daughter has recovered. Happy 40th birthday! Glad you were able to escape hospital to enjoy it :)

  4. Oh poor darlin'. Glad she is on the mend. It's so hard seeing them sick.


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