
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Wizard of Oz

Summer loves watching In the Night Garden, she hardly moves the whole half hour. I have it on hard drive, so that comes in very handy too when she needs some distraction and settling down and it's not that time of night(it's usually on at 6:30). Isabel loved it too, but has lost interest now she is older.

We've been watching the Wizard of Oz today, I downloaded it for Isabel, as Jake used to love watching it when he was her age. She really hasn't gotten into sitting and watching whole movies, until I tried her with this one. I think too being a musical, it keeps her interest.

It really is a good kids movie considering it was made in 1939, and even more unbelievable that we enjoy watching it seventy three years later. It's such a classic.

A fact you may not know, is that it's star, Judy Garland, who was 16 when the movie was made, died at the age of 47 in 1969.

Even back then super stars suffered from pressure to look good. She was plagued by her public image(unbelievable that she was touted as an ugly duckling). Even more sad and shocking she tried to take her own life more that once. Like so many amazing and  talented hollywood stars, too many to mention, drugs played a part in her death. 

She is the mother of Liza Minella, fathered by her second husband. Judy had two more children with her third husband. She had five husbands all together, marrying her last just three months before her death.

You can read more of her short and troubled, but amazing life and achievements here

There are soooo many great parts of this movie, but I love it when Lion sings his song about courage, when Dorothy sings 'Over the Rainbow', and the lollipop guild munchkins always make me smile. 


  1. oh! wizard of oz!! that is definitely a movie that everyone loves!


  2. The Wizard of Oz is such a classic. And yes such a tragic life for Judy. Hard to believe when you see her in Oz, 16, and with so much potential.

  3. This film is a true classic, and all 3 of my children have loved it - my eldest at 14 will still sit down and watch it through despite seeing it at least 50 times! And my littlest at 2 is equally enamoured. Such a beautiful film.

  4. My kids used to love In The Night Garden too. I remember there was one episode where they did something so goofy (probably a ball kept bouncing off the trees and hitting them all on the head) and my son and I couldn't stop laughing. Better than Funniest Home Videos.

    1. It is a pretty silly show, FHV is popular here, it's usually our sat nite ritual, izzy giggles like crazy.

  5. The Wizard of Oz is one of our family favourites both for my kids and when I was a kid as well. Truly a timeless movie. I didn't know any of those things about Judy, she was so great as Dorothy.

  6. I love that movie! I might try it with Emily, I think you're right.. Being a musical might hold her attention!

  7. I just adore the Wizard of Oz. This one movie I haven't yet introduced to Miss Possum. Now I'll have to get it on video! Woo Hoo, old movie night!

  8. We love the Wizard of Oz in our house. We love going on YouTube and downloading various bits. We also recently saw a play here locally and it was AWESOME! My son immediately wanted to see it again when it was done (I secretly did too!) lol

    I'm visiting from the MMM Hop and I'm now following you by various means. I would love for you to come visit us if you get the chance. Be sure to check out our Summer Reading Weekly Book Giveaways (they are open WW). Thx and cheers!

  9. Was one of my fav movies as a kid. Haven't watched it in ages... I think it might be time to bring out the DVD again!

  10. I did not know all that about Judy Garland. What a short, sad life to have five husbands in that period of time.

  11. I love this movie :) Thankyou for reminding me that it's time to show my daughter :)

  12. ohh wizard of oz is a classic!! We love introducing our lil ones to new old family movies..

  13. I love The wizard of oz I must watch it soon

  14. I adore the Wizard of Oz and the rainbow song.

  15. Hey girl! Visiting from the blog hop! Come over and visit me today! :) Lot's of good things are happening over at the ol' blog! :)

    Hope to see you there!

    xoxo ♥ Shar

  16. Isn't it just a magical movie ??! It's always so breathtaking when she sings "Somewhere Over The Rainbow"


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