
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Open Garden #4

We are into August already, this year seems to be flying by. Only a month until things start getting exciting in the garden and Spring will be here.

Thank you to Melting Moments for linking up last week with a post about Dads old wheelbarrow.

Thanks also to Bernie in the second week of Open Garden, who added beautiful pictures of her garden in Queensland.

Add a post about your garden, garden photos or gardens you have visited. 


  1. I'm joining in with a post all about the Roses I'm caring for at my school. Thanks for the mention today. I'm very pleased to be a part of your meme.

    1. Glad to have you here Bernie. Those roses are absolutely gorgeous!! Mine are just starting to sprout new growth after pruning, I can't wait until I have lots of blooms again.

  2. Thanks for hosting :) I hope I have more to share soon. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. I always have good intentions to get outside and do something with my backyard in the way of a garden, but much to my mother's horror I just don't have the green thumb and am no good at keeping plants alive. The only ones that have survived is through their own sheer strength of will! But I do love checking out a nice garden. thanks to hundreds of weekends spent being dragged from one nursery to another with my Mum so I'm enjoying looking through your blog at garden pictures!


Thanks for so much visiting, and even more so for leaving a friendly comment!