
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Who plants roses?!

I say it every year when I'm pruning mine, while swearing at the bushes, Who plants roses?!! Errr, I do, I tell myself with a smile, at how stupid I sound. I love them, but pruning them is a pain in the arse. My hands are sore, I have gouges and pricks everywhere. I know, I know I should have worn gloves, sadly they were under the steps of the pergola, wet and soggy. The girls both slept today at the same time, so I took the opportunity to get out there and do them. I have 25+ bushes and a few climbers. I got them all done, and weeded some of the veggie patch as well. I planted some garlic from the kitchen that had started to shoot. I read in a mag that it should be planted on the shortest day of the year, I'm a couple of weeks late.

Yesterday I weeded and cut some stuff back, this is how much I've managed to get done, hoo yeah!! I rang Brett to pick up the trailer from his brothers, too much to fit in the wheelie bin, even if I pinched the next door neighbours! There are flats next door that house medical students, sometimes the flats are empty and I have no worries about using the bins! Of course there is someone in there at the moment, and I would have asked. I find it amusing (being uni students) when their recycle bin is emptied, it sound like its full of wine bottles!

I also told him to borrow a chainsaw. This corner needed some cutting back. There is an elderberry tree growing against the fence(dunno how it got there, probably from seeds in bird poo), and a couple of branches of an old melaleuca growing through it, and I wanted it gone. He knocked off a bit earlier today and got it done. What looked like a small job, was really a huge one, now we have to move all this stuff, few trips to the waste depot I reckon! I'm impatient, but I'm going to have to wait until the weekend, before Brett has the time to take it and empty the trailer.. Dang!!


  1. All that work won't be for nothing. I can see how beautiful that garden will be when it blooms. Make sure you share some pictures when it does!

  2. I look forward to seeing the garden in bloom! While I appreciate a good garden (and gardener) I am no green thumb ... and definitely not roses ... I prefer things that can grown on their own.


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