
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Scrapbook header

A while ago, I downloaded a free scrapbooking program off the net. I did a few, but really haven't totally got into it. This is the best one(out of about three goes I had)!

My header on this blog was just the standard text. I had seen lots of blogs with fantastic headers, and I admired and wondered how I could get one. The scrapbooking program came into mind, and I wasn't sure if it would work, but I would have a go. 

The first attempt wasn't real flash, it was more or less the same design, but the size was too big. I rearranged and squished the design into the top 1/4 of the block, saved it as .jpg, then went into picture manager and cropped out the lower bit of the block I didn't use and tried again. Woo hoo, it worked and I have a perdie neat little header, as you will see at the top of this page ;). I am pretty happy with myself right now. 

The program is called scrapbook flair, and you can download free embellishments here.

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