
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Open Garden #3

I planted about 8 garlic cloves two weeks ago that had started sprouting in the kitchen. They have just started to poke up through the soil. They belong to the species Allium, garlic being Allium sativum. Chives are included in this species as well.

cute aren't they? :)
Peas, beans, cabbage and strawberries don't like growing anywhere it, but roses, tomatoes, apples and peaches will appreciate its presence, to keep the nasties away.

Look what I bought at Woolies, $14 marked down to $5.50, aren't they gorgeous. There is six bulbs all together, thats less than a dollar a bulb! Bargain! They are looking pretty on the table near the front door for now, before I find a spot for them.


  1. This will be my first Spring without my garden, as we are in the middle of renovations and landscapes. I miss everything about it, gardening is so good for the soul don't you think? So lovely to find you. x

  2. I don't think I could live without a garden, it is good for the soul :)

  3. Tulips are my favourite flower. They were in my wedding bouquet.


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