
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Winter Garden

I don't mind how much it rains, but I hate being cold. I am always wishing my life away at this time of year, wishing Spring would hurry up and come.

It's all not that bad though, because things are happening in the garden that I look forward to. Like the green growth of bulbs popping up through the soil. Its exciting to see, because I know that beautiful flowers are on their way, the jonquils are flowering now.

The leaves are gone from the silver birches, the plum, nectarine and peach tree. Leaves are still hanging on for dear life on the crabapple. The tamarisk tree is bare too, having a rest before Spring sees it burst into a blaze of pink. I can't wait for Spring! I love having fresh flowers inside the house, the pickings are pretty slim in winter, but there is always something.

I look forward to pruning the roses, I find it almost theraputic, not for the thorn pricks though. I think it has something to do with getting rid of the old to make way for new growth and beauty. There is an excitement in the anticipation of what is to come.

Hyacinths emerging
The week I had Summer (in November), the roses were in full bloom, and for the few days we were in hospital they must have doubled, because the show as we drove down the driveway with our precious new baby was breathtaking. I was in awe. It was as if they knew she was coming home.

I'm not supposed to, but the prunings go in the green bin. For the amount of money I shell out for the bins on council rates, I'll put whatever I darn like in there! As long as its green waste. The weather is supposed to be cold, but sunny on the weekend, so I might get to doing it then.

We had a couple of good days last week and I poisoned the edges and where ever else the couch and kikuyu had invaded. I like to do it myself, because Brett just doesn't do it properly. He's not a gardeners arsehole, I even had the argument with him about what it does and doesn't kill, as he waved the wand around willy nilly!! Last year I mentioned that the fruit trees needed pruning, so he took it upon himself, I was angry and could have cried at the state of my trees. There was bugger all fruit this year, so I'm hoping they will bear more next. I also need to spray the peach and nectarine trees for leaf curl before the blossoms come back.

In the meantime I will try to stay warm and cosy, and endure enjoy the time inside with the kiddlywinks.

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