
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Apricot Slice

This recipe comes from a very worn book, its 30 years old this August. Printed to celebrate the centenary year of the Rendelsham Primary School (1882 - 1982). I can't remember where I got this one from, probably a garage sale and I'm not really sure how long I've had it. It has a disclaimer on the first page that goes -

Somebody Goofed
If somebody goofed and forgot the salt,
Or flour, shortening, milk or malt;
Don't hesitate, best be sure.......
Pick up the phone and express your wonder
To the gal who signed her name down under.

Some of the recipes are still in pound or ounce measurements and fahrenheit temps, but has a handy conversion page at the start of the book. It contains some great recipes, and use it often.

It has sayings scattered here and there -

A man wrapped in himself makes a very small parcel.

One of the mysteries of life is how a boy who wasn't good enough to marry your daughter, can be the father of the smartest grandchild in the world.

Swallowing your pride occasionally will not give you indigestion.

I haven't played with this recipe at all, but have had the thought of using dried cherries and adding cocoa for a cherry ripe slice. 

Apricot Slice (P.Chapman)

Cream 4 ozs butter with 1 cup sugar, add 2 eggs, 1 cup plain flour,
 3/4 cup coconut, 1 cup chopped dried apricots, 1/2 cup milk and a dash of vanilla. Bake for 1/2 hour at 375 deg. Ice with vanilla icing and top with walnuts.

Using the conversion table 4 oz is 125 grams, and 375F is 190C.

Dried biscuit dough on this page!

You can read more about Rendelsham here

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