
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Adelaide Zoo

We left Arno Bay on the Thursday and stopped over in Adelaide overnight. It rained all day, and cleared as we came into the outer suburbs. We had pre booked a room at the Grand Chancellor on Currie Street, smack bang in the middle of the city, and arrived about 5:30 pm. Brett took Isabel for a quick swim and we ventured out for some tea. The Quick Wok, a short walk away on Hindley Street, was where we went and it was delicious. I ate most of it one handed, with Summer on the boob. It was near her bed time and she was hungry and wondering why she wasn't wrapped up tight and going to bed. A quick walk down the mall to Woolies for some supplies, where an excited Isabel discovered escalators, and back to our room.

In the morning, we ventured out before check out. Isabel was gob smacked by the amount of people, waiting for buses and crossing the roads. There were no shops open yet. As we made our way down Rundle Mall, we laughed at Isabel confidently strutting along a metre or two ahead of us, she was having a ball. Brett remembered a cheap clothing shop in James Place we had been before, lucky for us it opened at 7:30 and we had a spend. It was around 9am, we decided to make our way back to the hotel, pack up and head to the zoo, while the weather was on our side.

The first animals we came across were Funi and Wang Wang, the resident pandas. They were very active that morning and mesmerising, their personalities were instantly obvious, and it was a joy to watch.

We headed straight to the childrens zoo, there were chooks roaming free, guinea pigs and rabbits. Isabel enjoyed the interacting with goats, sheep and deer in the petting zoo with Brett, as Summer and I watched on.

We had a great time wandering around, and we managed to see everything in about two hours, and the rain stayed away. It was about that time that Isabel started losing interest anyway and made our way out the gates. It was only then that I realised we hadn't bought a parking ticket! Lucky for us there was no ticket on the window, or do they post them out. I have no idea!! Isabel fell asleep before we got to the tollgate on our way out of Adelaide, she'd had a big morning in the big city.

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